• its all about

    Automatic Upload of your Transactions

    Taxable transactions occurring in your backend accounting system are automatically reported to Taxnet using our API at close of business every Friday

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  • its about about

    Automatic Billing of your VAT/WHT Transactions

    On the 1st day of every month, all vatable and withholding tax transactions compiled your backend accounting system for the previous month are automatically billed at the prevailing VAT/WHT rate.

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  • it involves

    Direct Debit from your tax account for VAT/WHT Liabilities Credited to FIRS

    On the 21st day of the month, a direct debit instruction is issued to sweep the your VAT/WHT liabilities for the previous month to FIRS’s CBN account. You can also opt to pay this bill yourself on the platform on or before 21st of every month.

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About Us

StoryStudio is a New York-based branding and design agency with a passion for clean, simple and effective design. Nullam vel nisi neque. Nam dapibus lorem turpis. Nulla mollis enim sit amet nisi feugiat imperdiet quis eu eros. Etiam euismod semper risus, ac ultrices lectus viverra vitae. Sed porta ante justo, a consectetur augue lacinia ultricies. Aenean non ex neque. Etiam sit amet mauris magna. Curabitur vitae sapien nec eros scelerisque accumsan. Phasellus sapien nulla, suscipit vitae placerat eget, molestie et ante. Vestibulum ut lectus eu mi malesuada accumsan. Cras porta mattis leo, sed tincidunt nisl faucibuseget. Donec imperdiet vestibulum mollis scelerisque accumsan nisi feugiat imperdiet.

Our Goal

StoryStudio is a New York-based branding and design agency with a passion for clean, simple and effective design. Nullam vel nisi neque. Nam dapibus lorem turpis. Nulla mollis enim sit amet nisi feugiat imperdiet quis eu eros. Etiam euismod semper risus, ac ultrices lectus viverra vitae. Sed porta ante justo, a consectetur augue lacinia ultricies. Aenean non ex neque. Etiam sit amet mauris magna. Curabitur vitae sapien nec eros scelerisque accumsan. Phasellus sapien nulla, suscipit vitae placerat eget, molestie et ante. Vestibulum ut lectus eu mi malesuada accumsan. Cras porta mattis leo, sed tincidunt nisl faucibuseget. Donec imperdiet vestibulum mollis scelerisque accumsan nisi feugiat imperdiet.

1. Register on the Taxnet Platform

1. Register on the Taxnet Platform

Register as a corporate entity with your company details and Tax Identification Number (TIN).

2. Connect to our TaxNet API

2. Connect to our TaxNet API

After registration, we will work with your technical team to do a very light weight integration between TaxNet Api and your accounting system. This data is what is used to calculate the VAT/WHT amount payable. You can download the API documentation here

3. Setup your Direct Debit Mandate

3. Setup your Direct Debit Mandate

Download a form from us and take to your bank to set up a Direct Debit mandate to automatically settle tax bills. This makes remittance more convenient straight forward and convenient


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